10 Singaporean Childhood Snacks You Will Love

Do you remember the soft & addictive haw flakes candy? Or does Popo Muruku sound familiar to you?  Recalled enjoying these snacks with your friends, thinking like it was just yesterday? Within a blink of an eye, you’re all grown up and the only way to relive those moments again is through munching on your childhood snack.

Buckle up as we take a trip down memory lane with all the snacks that dominated your Singaporean childhood. Ready for a taste of nostalgia?


1. Bangle Chocolate

Three pieces of bangle chocolate held by a person

You may call it the godfather of Smarties and M&Ms. While it’s definitely not the most nutritious snack, the eyeglass packaging just made it really fun to eat them because we could place them over our eyes and pretend to be superheroes or to prescribe it as 'medicine' during a playtime!


2. Dahfa Fish Snack Slices Fillet

Dahfa Fish Snack Slices Fillet snacks displayed on store shelf

These dried fish strips will definitely give you major throwback vibes! It's also rich in natural goodness including protein, minerals, especially carbohydrate and calcium. Some people microwave it to make it crunchy, or even eat it with a dipping sauce.


3. Haw Flakes

Haw Flakes snacks held by a person

Did you know that Haw flakes were originally eaten before ingesting bitter Chinese medicine? These purple-ish circle discs of goodness are actually made from the Chinese fruit called hawthorns and have been a very popular sweets since the 80s. Its sweet and sour taste is what makes it tough to stop at one slice. We recommend One pack!


4. Pola Snack


Two packs of Pola Snack

Pola Snacks are sweet and salty crispy crackers that come in animal shapes. To enjoy these hollow snacks, some people might love to peep into the hollow space as they take a bite halfway through, while others prefer to eat it by the handful at once to get the maximum crunch and saltiness. Whichever way you prefer to eat these, Pola snacks are undeniable childhood favourites.


5. Houten Chilli Tapioca

Two packs of Houten Chilli Tapioca chips

Kids these days might be more familiar with Lays or Doritos, but these super-satisfying spicy tapioca chips are the true OG of chips. Spicy, sweet and sticky combo and addictive crunch is why we have it on our top 10 list of Singaporean childhood snacks.


6. Popo Muruku Ikan

Packs of Popo Muruku Ikan displayed on a store shelf

The iconic crawling baby on its packaging is what makes Popo Muruku almost impossible to forget. A pioneer among snacks, Popo Fish Muruku has been a delightful existence to Singaporeans since 1975. With the authentic murukku flavour and crunch that costs just as much, Popo Muruku Ikan has definitely become one of our top favourites while growing up.


7. Ovaltine Candy

Ovaltine Candy (72g)

Another fun snack from our childhood are these Ovaltine tablets which are full of chocolatey and malty goodness. Now we recall where our pocket money has gone to, just for these delicious chocolatey malt candies! Be careful not to get them stuck between our teeth though!


8. Want Want Senbei Rice Crackers

Want Want Senbei Rice Crackers snack displayed on store shelf

Want Want Senbei is a bite-sized rice cracker coated in a sweet and salty powder that will give your fingers a good lick. Some might even licks the powder off the cracker before actually eating it! These golden, crunchy treats were a definite addiction because each packet got us asking for more.


9. Ice Pops

Ice pops with wide variety of colors and flavors inside refrigerator

80s and 90s kids will definitely remember the times when our parents say we will have a cough whenever we splurge on these ice pops. But nobody cared back in those days, right? Plus, who can resist nibbling on these frozen treats under hot weather?


10. Ring Pop

Ring Pop Berry Blast (14g)

Have you ever used Ring Pop for roleplaying as a married couple with your crush? Ring Pop is a diamond-shaped candy that comes in really pretty colours that will make you want to collect the whole set! No matter which flavour you eat, raspberry, lemonade or green apple, it’ll guarantee to stain your tongue!

Hope you enjoyed our Singaporean childhood snack recommendation list! Feeling hungry already? Get your favourite snacks at Tasty Snack and we will deliver it right to your home!